
Showing posts from May, 2018


Hi! My name is Lily. A few years ago, a lady I know was going to create a Blog with this same name, and she felt moved to do so because of negative comments made about a Princess. She knew quite a bit about the lady, so when a film was made about her that was inaccurate in many ways, she fought. She put facts out. Started a Facebook group. The film tanked. It eventually was shown in the United States in a network infamous for really bad biopics. Really. Bad. So that felt like a win. But the Facebook group was different. My friend is not bossy and she gave Admin status to people who seemed nice, like she is. Those people opened doors that allowed not nice people into the group, and it got so ugly, it affected my friend's physical health. Yep, words can be more painful than sticks and stones. She tried to keep things positive, but the baddies were "overwhelming" , and she had to pull the plug. Now, I am watching something so much worse happen to Ms Meghan Markle. The hat