
Hi! My name is Lily. A few years ago, a lady I know was going to create a Blog with this same name, and she felt moved to do so because of negative comments made about a Princess. She knew quite a bit about the lady, so when a film was made about her that was inaccurate in many ways, she fought. She put facts out. Started a Facebook group.
The film tanked. It eventually was shown in the United States in a network infamous for really bad biopics. Really. Bad. So that felt like a win.
But the Facebook group was different. My friend is not bossy and she gave Admin status to people who seemed nice, like she is. Those people opened doors that allowed not nice people into the group, and it got so ugly, it affected my friend's physical health. Yep, words can be more painful than sticks and stones. She tried to keep things positive, but the baddies were "overwhelming" , and she had to pull the plug.
Now, I am watching something so much worse happen to Ms Meghan Markle. The hate is sickening, and I do not understand it. So I asked my friend if we could go "in the positive", mount a charm offensive, and support Ms. Markle, who we do not know, but who we see being treated in a really nasty way.
I hope you will join in figuring out how to be interested in famous/royal/whoever people without using ugly tools such as racism, misogyny, or other things with the express intention of hurting a lady we do not know. Do we always have to be sweet, say, if we don't like Meghan's hat? Constructive criticism is fine. Some of her hats leave me very confused! Good hearted ribbing, such as "that hat does sort of look like a poo emoji" is not going to injure Meghan, in my opinion.  Calling her ugly names, lying about how many times she has been married, lying that she has had unseemly jobs (no examples here, if you must, ask me directly), and most importantly, bashing her for the colour of her and her parents' skin? No. That is disgusting.  Calling her a gold digger (am I the only person who thought that was an old time phrase?) or "social climber"? Oh hush! The lady is giving up SO MUCH to marry the man she clearly loves, how is she any of those things? I do not think she has any agenda outside of marrying the man she loves. If I am wrong, I would rather err on the side of choosing to be positive - not a Pollyanna, I am studying all of this and reading, researching - than go the hateful way.  I think this Blog could be important, but only if people contribute. I don't have the full vision yet but I think it will come together when we work together.

Positively yours,
